nyco yqperc
Friday, April 22, 2011
Hey my dear YQP,

I am supposed to be studying but I just can't get down to the mood to even open up my school bag! ><

Yesterday, 21/4/2011 was the day we played to our hearts content. Everything went on soo well on stage, everything passed so fast I couldn't believe it was ending!

Still remember backstage, all of us were panicking, and listening to all the other schools playing zheng and practising along with them. HCI was before us and RGS was after us. Everyone was staring at how much instruments we have and that HC guy was laughing at us but I just ignored him cause I know they are nothing compared to us.

Very soon it was our turn to go up on stage. My hands were sweating and I was very scared I would forget what to do. I felt like I havent seen the rest of CO for soo long. 2 years back, the same time, I was backstage listening to every other schools comments on our senior's performance and this year, I know other schools are going to do the same to us.

During zheng, I was soo touched by the music that I started crying. That bar 56 was so together!!! I tried to hold back my tears cause I know I will look really unglam O: haha zheng was soo good, everything sounded flowly and pieced together and so far I have never heard a zheng that was better than ours. yaotian's starting was so cool! I bet the audience are totally shocked :D My hand was shivering like MAD during my muyu part that I couldnt it the right place and i missed out a total of 2 beats O: But at bar 59 I was praying everything will be fine and i am sooo proud of you sophia! I could feel the starting of xiao kuai ban was too loud haha!! At the ending, I could feel the music flowing into me and I was really sad that everything's gonna be over just like that! O:

For the past 6months, we all have been working really hard. I believe sometimes I will just lose faith in everyone one of you including myself and give up practicing. But whatever it is, the pushwe gave ourselves the last few weeks had paid off. During the announcing of the results, we had to painfully wait for 52 schools. and when it reached no. 53 nanyang girls' high school, I held my breath, hoping that those 3 words would be heard. GOLD... WITH HONOURS that was what I heard. The most significant 3 words I wanted to hear every since I joined CO. I didn't know what the atmosphere outsie was like, but inside the hall, I was shedding tears of joy. All these months of hard work really paid off.

I don't know how to express my thank to each and every one of you but this had just proven YQP to be the best section ever! I really really love you guys for making this journey so meaningful and worthwhile. If only SYF could repeat itself all over again...


Siao-ed 8:01 PM


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2013:|sophia| |yueqing| |yiying| |zimin|
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