Tuesday, August 28, 2007
aiyo, i am feeling emo now cus hor i just read all your blogs and then THEY ARE SO TOUCHING...i have such amazing juniors, nobody else can compete with you all =) so i am going to attempt to be equally amazing and acknowledge all my seniors in this post!
Chooi Sum!
I will always remember the counter strike and lemon chicken story. And how you thought me the basics of percussion, how nice you were during the auditions when we first came in. plus how you used to give us section motivation talks after huanghe prac, sitting on the chair with the rest of us surrounding you.
The first yangqin lesson i had, you taught me and peiyan some xiao ding dang song. Which i will never forget btw. haha. Then both of us were very shy, everything you say we will just give you a smile..never talk at all. I also remember how you would tease ms sia and put her in a good mood =)
DAFFY DUCK! haha you are going to be so paiseh, but the one thing i will forever remember is the day when guolaoshi took video of us when we were pracing longteng. and then he say want to go show the dunman jonathan..and your socks were..um kind of dead!
Jiang Chuan!
POKE! during my first co camp the huibao, i was super super scared. then later when mrs ee ask how come i so lousy, u all say that cus i was very nervous. THANKIE SO MUCH oh oh oh and i also remember your naifen!
thankie for the nuts, the chips, the chocolates.....the billions of food we illegally consumed behind at the daji area! that time you played timp for long teng, i still remember guolaoshi say you like dancing around like that! =) and then your turn shawn into a girl project failed too =)
i absolutely worship your mallets skills!! first you play for xing kong and then first time already so pro no mistakes. then for chun you play the super hard xylo score without blinking an eye. ahaha whenever i tink of you, i tink of the way you said: Daphne darling
Everytime i very scared, i always start to freak out and you will always be there to say, dun worry one, sure can. plus you help me get out of playing yangqin for huanghe =) haha we both got out of it! One of the best camps in my life was when we played card games together everynite during CO camp when i was sec 2. and i remember us freaking out before going in to see ms sia, haha and then we always dun wan to go first or last
POKES EVEN HARDER! i will always remember the time you came up with the dig a grave and bury yourself behind the timpani thingy! Thank you for training me in daji! thankie for letting me get to know your tim! and for all starting the bring potato chips and biscuits for performances trend =) i still recall my first cross country i ran with peiyan, and then at the end you were there holding cold water for us to drink!
thank you thank you thank you for saving my life for yangqin! =) if not i would have died and there will be a tombstone behind the timp with my name inscribed on it =) oh and yes we played gushi dagu together..the whole time you were there coaching me and guiding me and motivating me. and then i still remember you always called us your darling juniors! wheeee
just a note: what ever you all are planning on thursday...I AM NOT INVOVLED! i'll just turn up to eat FULL STOP. but must wait for me before you all start eating hor =P
Siao-ed 6:25 PM
as with the past years, we're celebrating teachers' day for the instructors.. it's this thursday, at 5.30, after xiaozu (we'll ask qulao and et to stop beforehand) and there'll be food (again) and fun (:
well this year instead of performing a song or just giving fruits to the instructors, we're putting up a PLAY!!! :D it's called 香蕉与芭蕉的故事! and it's in CHINESE. woozah.
we have special guest(s)!!
Siao-ed 3:23 PM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Dearest NYCO,
We sincerely thank you for your aid in our relatively successful concert, THE ONE, yesterday night. For many of the Secondary Four seniors, it might had been another night gone in place of your diligent studies, but also your very last performance with the orchestra, marking the end of a bountiful journey of time, effort, and love. For the rest of us, it might had just been another performance; an effortless act and much less one that deserved little dedication.
However, for the four of us working on the organization on the concert, it had been a full day of mixed emotions. You saw us screaming frustration at each other, other times busy on handphones clarifying what seemed like endless nitty gritty details. All that was felt after the concert was a united effect of annihilation; it was pure joy.
And without your help, it would have been nothing. Thank you, once again. Best regards to NYCO for all its future endeavours. May we stay wonderful ever.
With Love,
Siao-ed 1:19 PM
our DEAREST sec 4s.
we cant state how much we cherish you and how much we've enjoyed our days and months and years in NYCO and YQP with you 4 around.
because words just arent strong enough at times.
i remember how lost we were when we first came in.
i remember how we refused to talk, communicate and interact.
i remember how confused we were when guolaoshi started speaking to us about music in chinese when we usually heard it in italian and german terms.
i remember how we were amazed by that magical term: TAIFENG.
i remember how we couldnt follow the conductor's baton in our first dazu.
i remember how we started section bonding sessions.
i remember how we talked, laughed, teased.
i remember how we ate and almost started throwing food around.
i remember how we learnt, how you taught... that marvelous piece, gu shi.
i remember how the notes echoed throughout SCH.
i remember how we got through FANG KUAI 10!
i remember how we stared blankly at mo li hua then at jian kuai de liang feng.
i remember how we freaked out at the thought of an approaching syf date.
i remember how we practised until our hands could break off.
i remember how we encouraged each other, 'push on. all the way. we'll make it, we will.'
i remember how 'Gold with Honours' resounded in our ear(drum)s over and over again.
i remember how we cheered, how we screamed.
i remember the smiles through the tears, the hugs, the joy.
i remember the 'shan ge' we sang outside the performance hall.
so much. none too insignificant.
and i will forever remember all of you.
sometimes i'll turn unrealistic, and i'd pray, i'd wish..
that you would never have to go, never have to leave.
time is fast.
and cruel.
- - -
our dearest sec 4s..
after all we've been through, after all we've done together, after all the wondrous memories embedded, after all the wind and rain we've withstood..
it's so difficult for us not to admit:
we love you.
i'm sorry.
i was feeling emo.
Siao-ed 12:22 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
YQP!hey hey this is bebeninitata blogging after the LAST performance as YQP batch 2007 =( hm its been an eventful year so as well trained and dutiful nanyang girls let us REFLECT on the past year...
Okay i tink we started off this year in a rush, with all the SYF prep and then plus adapting to the ET-changed-to-BETTY-then-upgraded-back-to-ET (long story la, for the full details, please ask xinyi). So we survived the high stress period and got GOLD WITH HONOURS. I know we struggled alot, but becuase we are YQP, therefore we will forever have the element of laughter to cheer us up! (btw, thanks to the entire of NYCO for ending my last year with such an high note).
Then we got into showcase, which i tink i was freaking out half the time.. hm probably i was getting on everybody's nerves by getting so kan choing =) SORRY! The showcase was well... flop, haha but its okay, we had loads of fun as a section and the seniors gave us food! During the rehersal somebody said 'nanyang, 你们臭好了没有' and you all got quite worked up. Lets just forget what was said okay. So what if other people are jealous of what we can do? just concentrate on your playing, thats more important. ignore the rest of them twits. gosh and i will never forget the day i first scolded somebody so badly...heh
After that was like meng lian taiyang. YOU ALL ARE SO PRO! haha see my juniors learn fast, play super well and are fun to be with! Chewy, you rock at timpani...remember there are only 3 people pro-er than you around our age! wheee and then your jibengong is also ten times better than the rest of us, so jia you! Jama, you and your amazing xiaobo techniques, peifu peifu! plus have more confidence! you are actually good one lor, just must be more sure of yourself. Cass, the MALLETS pro girl, haha you and your *****. keep on pracing and keeping the section in such high spirits all the time! Xinyi, our lead in taiyang and in long teng, pro pro pro pro is all i have to say. oh yes and DUN teach our juniors become so keipo lor, you so bad to me. Wendy, next peiyan to be, my yangqin pro junior =) you somemore b***** i will go and j***** you man =)
haha well since i couldn't finish all the letters, i mind as well post what i have to say on the blog as well la. um wait wat's next? oh yes the long teng streak of performances. begining with the pavilion opening, which by the way, the board of directors will be treating all the performers to ice cream on tuesday. the pavilion opening was bad because of the environment factor, the confusion we experienced before playing and also cus we hardly had time to prac really well. Then for chewy's HMP performance which was so so so amazing la, damn pro. And followed by today's charity concert - xinyi, dun bother abt the tiny minor error, i tell you rite, its okay one. it happens to the best percussionists and plus we are lucky its at the end of the song so not really that bad la. jama, thank you for joining us in the end. =) chewy, thanks for the opportunity for me to perform one last time as a member of NYCO!
so end of reflection! i'm really at a lost, cus i tink i will miss percussion alot next year! no more NYCO to laugh with at the back of m4-01, no more mass changing sessions in m4-02, sorry to have violated the yangqins. no more screaming and yelling and dancing around the daji corner when i'm feeling high, no more making fun of everybody... no more baning instrument at lunch break and running around with the yangqin top. no more after practice or before practice gossips, no more sectional games designed for the creative stimulation of the brain - to come up with A-Z adj. ARGH at least i still get to boast abt my juniors anyway. and i will come back to see you all one! must remember to orientate the new juniors to me.
for the more serious stuff: must tiao qin okay! (even if i dun do that, but THATS NOT THE POINT LA, haha) and then must lian ji ben gong, it helps next time. and then must be respectful to ...somebody... and then help keep daji area clean and maintian the NYCOYQP spirit!
i really really love you all alot alot alot alot. you have made my secondary school life such a wonderful experience
Siao-ed 10:56 PM
Monday, August 20, 2007
National Day Parade 1998Theme Song: "HOME" Singer: Kit ChanNow this familiar song takes a twist in the YQP version!
Whenever I am feeling cold
I look around me and I know
It's M401 that had long haunted me
Wherever I may choose to go
I will always come back to Yangqin room
Know every tuner and door
Sail down the floor that makes me fall
Winding through my YQP
Chorus:This is YQP, tootly
Where I know my bed is
Where spiders stay with me
Where that BETTY always scolds
This is YQP, strangely
As your faces tell me
This is where I see all the dust...
For this is where I know it's home
When there are new songs to go through
We'll find a way to rebel and poo
There is comfort in the pillows
That lie under some people's feet
So we'll laugh during Dazu together
Just like we've done before
Just like the music that brings us life
There'll always be our YQP~~~
Chorus(repeat 2X)
This is YQP, tootlyWhere I know my bed is
Where spiders stay with me
Where that BETTY always scolds
This is YQP, strangelyAs your faces tell meThis is where I see all the dust...For this is where I know it's home
For this is where the spiders grow...
(For this is where... the spiders grow........!)
Siao-ed 8:13 PM
Do you fancy ancient seniors coming back for a gathering some day, all of us sitting together in a circle proudly proclaiming your love for YQP together? Now here's your chance! Help Cockroach your estranged handsome insect collate information together in the first ever, mega-event, the
Though the above term might sound enhancingly frightening, fret not. Using the most modern of current technology, Microsoft Word and Internet Explorer, Cockroach will be advancing on an exciting journey collecting full names, contact numbers and email addresses from as many YQP members as possible, the oldest currently born in 1984, meaning she is 24 this year! Want to join her on this gruelling journey? Come on down and submit your full names, home numbers, mobile numbers and working email addresses to her email address which you should already know, if you had not already done so. You can also pester our current oldest surviving member Yuen Yi Leng on MSN for more information on her seniors and beyond! The future is there for you. Dig the past and rebuild a better future! Join Cockroach on...
Tada! Don't hesitate... Hurry and come down, NOW!
Siao-ed 8:05 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
okay i dunno if i am allowed to put this up here, but i think we all should noe the schedule so that NOBODY gets mixed up kay.
90th Anniversary celebrations on 15 August 2007
07 30
Students to assemble at quadrangle, along corridors outside classrooms
Seck Moy, Mei Hong and team
Choir members in front rows at quadrangle
John Mackintosh
Only 30 choir members in costumes, the rest in “Hongzi”
Concert band behind flagpoles
Marching contingent coming in from 3 places (canteen side, audi side, GO
Hong Ngim
2 microphones on stage
Yu Hsuan & Zulfri
07 30
MCs’ introductory speech
Agnes & Yun Yee
Marching in of UG contingent
Hong Ngim, David Han, Gloria
UGs in their uniforms
National Anthem, pledge, school song
Marching contingent and band
07 40
All students to be seated in quadrangle
Seck Moy, Mei Hong and team
07 50
Speech by Ms Yap
07 55
Singing of Founders’ Day song and 90th anniversary theme song
30 Choir members
Song sheets will be distributed by student leaders
Yu Hsuan & AVA club girls
Play music and adjust the microphones
08 00
Speech by Ms Lan Huishan
08 05
Presentation of gifts to school by student body,
Ms Yap to receive
Aileen Toh and Li Ann,
Agnes’ students (A to Z of Nanyang)
08 05
Organise students for whole school photo-taking
Yu Hsuan, Sam, Seck Moy, Mei Hong and team
Speaker system at field
09 20
Arrival of BODs
Management team to receive
OM to reserve 7 car park lots
09 35
Tour heritage corner
Management team
Sam will inform mgt when ready for photo-taking
09 35
Whole school photo-taking
09 45
10 15
Lessons as usual
Library Tour and Opening of Yunxian Pavillion
09 45
Arrival of Mr & Mrs James Fu, Dr Esther Fu
Management team to receive
Proceed to Audi lobby
Key personnel
09 50
MCs’ introductory speech
Agnes & Yun Yee
Performance by Percussion group of Chinese Orchestra and Chinese Dance
Yui Hong & Lili
Lili to give CD to Zufri
Performers in costumes
Speech by Ms Grace Fu & Dr Esther Fu
Cutting ribbon
Gim Lian
Proceed back to seats after cutting ribbons
Presentation of souvenir to Ms Grace Fu
Gim Hoon
10 15
Ms Grace Fu takes her leave
Management team to send
Proceed to library
Guests and key personnel
By staircase
10 20
String ensemble (to play music)
Gim Lian
PSG librarians (8)
String ensemble in their costumes
10 50
Library tour
11 05
End of programme
KINDLY TAKE NOTE OF THE TIMINGS and please come early at 7 am in the morning outside the m4-01 so help ban instruments kay. i've asked the sec 1s to come too so should be quite fast la i hope.
this is a repeat hor - IN CASE PEOPLE NV READ THEIR SMS:
- we will have to put all the instruments in position b4 flag raising
- wear co u for phototaking - yes i noe it sucks, but just bear with it. at least we'll be outstanding for phototaking! and sure can recognise ourselves when we look the pic 10 years later...gosh i'll be 26! so old =( and no longer adorable =(
- when taking photo that time, DUN STAND WITH YOUR CLASS. Mr Khoo will be arranging for us to stand at the sides nearest to the audi. so we can stand together as a section! =) and we all probably noe how to arrange ourselves by height... PEIYAN I AM ONLY A LEEETLE BIT SHORTER THAN YOU! better than somebody else.....
- the moment mr khoo lets us off, we choing to the audi outside and immediately stand in position - dun twist ankle hor, if u can't run in court shoes, then DONT
- we will not wait for the MC to intro us. the moment the guest of honour comes (please refer above for the name of the guest though i have no idea who the hell that is) then we will start playing. Cus we are supposed to be sort of a welcome like that la. so we all just watch xinyi okay...unless Mrs Ee has other plans la, we see wat happens, but generally, i tink if she is there, xinyi watch her, the rest ALL KEEP YOUR EYES ON XINYI
- okie, this is the last daji peformance for sec 4s...BOOOOOOOO
- aiyo i tink anyone who noes YQP noes who wrote this la hor . JIAYOU EVERYONE
Siao-ed 6:51 PM
Monday, August 13, 2007
We have a new YQP DP!
Oh by the way, 'pansy' is some Irish term for prissy PPG-like people.
It also comes in the UGL1 edition:
And the V3R1 UGL1 edition:
Have fun! Don't abuse the yellow dude, people. If you want Pansy to be in different colours you can ask me (:
-I hope you know who I am.
Siao-ed 10:50 PM
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hello YQP!
I left my footprints behind such a long time ago, it takes some courage for me to be writing here again. Let this blog post be a formal one then! Through this post, I will like to express my gratitude towards my seniors, the batch of Secondary 4 heroines who are about to graduate, comprising Pei Yan, Benita, Amanda and Xu Hao. Not all of you might see this, but I hope my message will be brought across effectively through this platform.
It had been a long, gruelling journey for you in NYGH, in this CCA, and particularly this section. It had been more than three years of constant practices, competitions, and performances for all of you. Thank you for the faith, love and concern all of you had administered onto all of us juniors. Although you are about to graduate soon, I will just like to reiterate the fact that you will forever be part of YQP even if you are not here physically 24/7, like Shawn, like Yileng. Let there be no tears when we bade farewell, and instead we will be happy to let you go as you continue into your next phase of your life. Just remember us!
This is short. Love cannot be expressed in mere words.
Yours Sincerely,
Chewy-Fei on behalf of YQP
- - -
-This is very saddening. I will be Secondary Four next year. T_T
-Secondary One juniors, do you find me very fierce/ scary/ unapproachable?! If so, please kindly help me to become a nicer senior! There must be some weird aura around me such that all of you don't like being around me. T___T
-Secondary Two juniors, am I too friendly/ nonsensical/ weird? If so, please kindly knock on my head (albeit getting a hollow, sonorous sound) and tell me to revert to my normal, reserved self! I am really weird. Urrgh. T_____T
Siao-ed 9:02 PM
Monday, August 06, 2007
tmr please REMEMBER to come for lunch prac okay. MUST COME OKAY!
we've kind of revised the layout now.
xinyi+cass in the mid with dagu. then followed by two xiaogus, then the biangus. and xuhao and joy will not be playing. wendy will play the suspended cymbals and cha if she manages to learn in time by tmr lunch. which reminds me, WHERE WERE YOU TODAY WENDY!!! haha
um then also DUN BE LATE after school. we need to be down outside audi by 3 pm SHARP. so that means when sch releases at 2.30, kindly make your way FAST to m4-01 to ban instruments. we only have barely a little while to ban the instruments!!! um xinyi i tink u better tiao paigu during lunch cus rite mayb got no time la.
oh and please eat your lunch at first recess and get a fren to dapao during lunch cus we dun have time for lunch inbetween 2.30 to 3. sorrie! or we could always ask somebody to help us buy lunch as a section while we have rehersals at 3.
aiyo i tink you all know who posted this laaaaaaaa :)
Siao-ed 7:12 PM