Saturday, March 29, 2008
Hello YQP! I see lots of long posts, but this won't be short either because it's
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT and I've been dying to get this out of my system. Your MGA is here to speak about INSTRUMENT CARE, something that involves the school's money, and US because ultimately, we have been/will usually be spending the most on instruments.
I have witnessed many occasions where our instruments and equipment have been unacceptably handled and treated. From now onwards I don't want to hear anyone say "I didn't know that" because here I present you the rules! Take note of those in
bold, they are the newly established ones and are of UTMOST IMPORTANCE.
General rules1) ALWAYS take care of the instrument you use. You will be held liable for any damages made, even if someone else was involved.
2) NEVER let anyone outside YQP with no experience in yangqin/percussion touch the instruments unless under
strict supervision.
3) Do not leave drumsticks/mallets lying around as they may go missing and Drama students have a high tendency of taking them to play on our instruments.
Any personal scores or sticks left lying around will be permanently confiscated and will not be returned until further investigation.
Yangqin1) Maintenance is to be carried out regularly (i.e. tuning, oiling strings, dusting etc).
2) NEVER place any objects except covers on the surface of the yangqin.
DO NOT lean on the yangqin.
3) Take extra care when transporting instruments. If it is too heavy, get a partner to help.
4) When moving the yangqin in its case, be careful not to drop it.
NEVER place heavy objects such as cymbals or stationery on the drums. DRUMS ARE NOT TABLES. Do not use them to annotate scores/write notes.
NEVER allow anyone, including you, to lean on the drums.
3) Keep the drum surfaces dry at all times.
Timpani1) NEVER place any objects on the timpani.
2) To move the timpani, hold on to the rails on the side of the drums. NEVER PRESS ON THE DRUM SURFACE.
3) Release pedals after use.
Mallet instruments1)
NEVER place anything on the mallet instruments except the mallets. Do not use them to annotate scores/write notes. Mallets should be placed parallel to the keys (on the node/string) and the shaft should NOT slotted between the keys.
NEVER lean against the instruments. THEY CANNOT SUPPORT YOUR WEIGHT.
3) Do not do anything that can potentially damage the instruments (i.e. push it around, play with drumsticks/wrong mallets).
Brass instruments/Others1) NEVER drop the instruments.
2) Always place unused instruments into the green box or storage boxes.
Return instrument to its rightful place after use to prevent instruments from going missing.
Drumsticks/Mallets1) For personal sticks, mark/tie them together in a pair to prevent confusion.
Do not take/bring home others' personal sticks without permission.
3) For sticks/mallets owned by the school, use with care and do not bring them home unless authorized to do so.
NEVER use the wrong sticks/mallets for the wrong instruments, e.g. mallets on drums, drumsticks on xylophone.
5) Return mallets to their packaging (if provided) and into the green box if not in use. Otherwise, return them to the music stand. Always put them in pairs.
I am certain that everyone is guilty of breaking at least one rule. The CO's annual budget is not high, and last year most of it was used to purchase instruments for our section. In return, please show our appreciation by treasuring what we are provided because they are meant to last for many years, for many more batches to come.
Also, M4-01 is a mess because of us. The instruments are no longer in their rightful positions. Please have the responsibility and courtesy of returning the instrument to its original state after use.
I am quite sure that the above rules are of reasonable accuracy and will ensure the increase of the lifespan of our instruments. Many of them are tips from professionals and even MOE. Let's all take good care of our instruments! And thank you for reading this far (:
-Xin Yi
Siao-ed 12:58 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Cockroach is here to make some spanking new changes to the current member involvement in the Yang Ching Dah Chee Association. She notes that the Sectional Leader should not be the only one stepping out and doing work, and that everybody can do a part to make YQP an administratively accomplished section. Skip the lengthy rationales, here goes, and please read through everything here because Cockroach also makes announcements subtlely:
As the section treasurer, you collect and keep collective funds for the section to be used in events of celebration etc. You will have to collect money when there is too little in the funds. However, this will only be done if there are any upcoming events that will require money to be used from the section. Also from now on, you will have to update the section every two weeks about the current amount of money in YQP fund, no matter whether there is a change in the amount or not. This has to be done either through the YQP blog, or through a mass-SMS notice. From now on, you will also be in charge of collecting money for everything as well, such as concerts and the YQP shirt etc. As these are rather simple tasks, it is hoped that you can do it with your initiative without having Cockroach or other concerned members prompting you too often. There is also a new initiative of a "YQP Accounts Book" whereby you will have to note down all details for the money claims or money collection, and paste all applicable receipts. All details will mean everything possible about the event, like date, time, venue etc. Please prepare this book by the next Xiaozu.
As the section librarian, you will be in charge of collating, filing, and managing of all scores and neccessary paperwork involved. You will also be in charge of updating the scores collection, and photocopying of scores for the section. For this reason you will be the official person in the section to hold on to the section's photocopying card. We will be doing our very first "YQP Score Filing" next week during lunch practice on Thursday. Nobody is to be absent, unless you have a pre-arranged or urgent meeting. Staying back in class to do homework is not a valid reason. Please contact Cockroach for further details about this if you have any queries. Anyway, Joy you are required to get everybody to bring all scores possible, no matter for practice, Xiaozu pieces, Dazu pieces etc. In order to facilitate the filing, you are also required to get 4 big (must be big) ring files, at least 25 file pockets, and all the paper clips you can get. You can buy them, and claim the expenditure from Jaime from YQP Fund.Secondary Threes
From now on, the three of you will be in charge of the attendance aspect in the section. Cass is in charge of Xiaozu, Wendy Dazu, and Xin Yi section lunches and lunch practices. Here is what you are supposed to take note of: By every Monday, everybody should SMS the respective people their time for reporting, and the reason of absence, if any. So, everybody will need to send 3 SMSes on Monday, one to Wendy one to Xin Yi one to Cass, to mark our attendance for the particular activity. You will then fill in the attendance in the attendance records, accordingly. Cockroach has a whole stack of them with her (for Xiaozu and Dazu), please get them from her. There are no attendance records for Section Lunch and Lunch Practices, though you might like to create your own if needed.
E.g. "Hello Cass! Chewy here. I will be reporting for Xiaozu late at 3.50pm because I have to meet my Council teachers for my projects. Thank you! (: "If there are absentees for any event, please inform Cockroach with an SMS.
For the three of you, you will also be required to collate excuse letters and MCs from any absentees. The documents can be passed to Siying a maximum of two weeks after the date of absence.
Secondary Twos
Food: You all will help to garner opinions from the section about what to eat for lunches during Holiday practices, and settle them. This will be very evident and essential during the June Holidays.
Barricade: You will be in charge of setting up the barricade diligently after every lunch practice, Xiaozu and Dazu from now on, and getting the rest of us to help. You are also to think about solutions as to how we can improve on the current barricade, and perhaps carry it out. Inform Cockroach first though.
Blog: Someone will have to update about technical / musical / fun stuff after every Xiaozu and Dazu. The updates can be done together, most ideally weekly. Sectional lunch and lunch practices are optional. The updates should be done to reflect learning progress, interesting observations, take-away lessons etc. Most importantly, to summarize the going-ons of that event.
Secondary Ones
You will need to maintain the whiteboard / notice board, and some other amenities in the YQ room. Cockroach will be using the whiteboard quite often for important notices. Please obtain whiteboard/fridge magnets (at least 6), 2 whiteboard markers non-permanent, 1 rubbish bin, 1 clock, and "curtains" for the room. Actually, these curtains simply refer to 2 very big pieces of black / dark coloured opaque cloth that will be sufficient enough to spread over the windows of the YQ room. For the details, please contact Cockroach. So, if the amenities run out (e.g. markers have no ink), please take the initiative to update them. All expenditure can be claimed from the YQP fund. Please get all this done by the next Xiaozu.
- - -
I am so sorry to make you all do this work... ): It sounds unneccesary?! But honestly I feel this will let everyone take responsibility in the section, and that you can make a change in the section even if you're not the SL or a senior etc. I just genuinely hope you can follow all the guidelines and deadlines I set, because well they are really there for a reason, and I'd explained all reasons necessary. An additional request, can you SMS me if you will be okay with all the arrangements set? By Saturday, 9pm! Which is... today!
Anyway, I will send over the email I promised next time. It is a highly emotional letter, so, it takes a bit time and emotional capacity on both my part and your part as well!
Cockroach wants to sleep. Have a happy weekend people :)
BTW: I love you guys for everything you've done for me okay, like the birthday party, hee hee :D
Siao-ed 11:30 PM
hey it's rachel here!!
the thing that im posting below was supposed to be written to chewfei, then after the read it she asked me to post it here. so here goes:
my expectations for concert:I think will go according to the songs (:
1. taiyang
- this is a perc concerto, so I guess we should have quite high expectations for this piece. Like taifeng must be there (haha of course lah!) then even if we are nervous or what we shouldn’t screw ‘cause we are already very very very very familiar with the piece!! And then you and xinyi and cass would be like pressure ‘cause you all are playing the more mainb parts. But ofcourse that doesn’t mean the rest of us can slack. ‘cause for people like me, one note wrong, it is very very obvious >< the only think im really frightened of is that I might like suddenly blank out or something. It will be really really scary…. For yangqin I can only jia you!! ‘cause I don’t exactly know the expectations so I guess I cant really say a lot. But like us, I think they shouldn’t make a lot of mistakes ‘cause they are also very familiar with their part. Even though they only have 3 people now, I know they can still do very well (:
2. meng zhi ba li
- hmm. I think for this piece perc is quite important. Then we would have to memorise everything if not I don’t think we would be able to keep up with the orchestra. It’s quite fast paced for the percussion and we have lots of empty bars to count o_o and of course memorizing the parts will also enhance our taifeng ‘cause we don’t need to concentrate on looking at the score (: xinyi and cass and yuka are playing the main mallet parts so they have to be very sure where their mallets are going to land while in the meantime being in the music (taifeng must depend on the music!! It’s supposed to come naturally (: ) hah and I realized my part is also quite distinct. Uhoh. Nevermind. I’ll get the pai1 zi right asap (: for the yangqin right, I think….. since you all are sitting at the front then I guess you all jiu4 all the best bah (: and I think its best that you all can memorise the score ‘cause then like that you all can follow lin lao shi and aid in keeping the rhythm in the orchestra xD
3. di yi er hu
- er. This song is… er. Hmm….. I was about to say very hard. But I think that would be wrong. I think, that if we take the effort to lian4, it is definitely possible to play this song nicely. And if we can do that, im sure we (yangqin people) wont hate diyi that much anymore. So I think to catch up with the a-lot of time we wasted and so that we can reach the concert standard, we would have to work extra extra hard!! On the concert day, we shall awe the audience with our pro-ness when they see and hear that we can play diyi like pros xD I heard the perc parts are quite complicated too!! jia you jia you!! I think we will all be able to do it and do our taifeng and play until mrs ee is super touched by us. Wuahhahaha. Ok lah, in layman terms, we must zai4 jie1 zai4 li4 for this. *nods head*
4. sha di er
- what should I say. YQP MUST DO REALLY REALLY WELL FOR THIS PIECE TOO ‘CAUSE IT ROCKS!!! I think it’s a really really nice song and we mustn’t waste it. Yangqin must memorise parts and put the required feelings into the music such that the effect of the piece is there. HEY it’s supposed to praise a hero, so there must be a lot of emotions!! *nods head* especially at the part when sha di er dies…. That’s the part where we yangqin people will play wrongly. Not that the notes are wrong, just that we like to play that sad part such that it sounds happy. So we would have to work on that. And and and I heard the perc parts are really fun!! And nice too!! so during the concert, while us yangqin people have fun playing the nice nice piece, perc people must also have fun playing all the exciting parts (: and and TAIFENG TAIFENG!!
5. mei gui hua
- hmm. I have no idea how this will turn out ‘cause it hasn’t even been comfirmed that we will use this. But we will still do good, even though it’s only the juniors playing (:
6. qin wang dian bing
- ah. This one. The very very extremely important one. I think for practice now, we would have to lian4 technical stuff along with taifeng. Taifeng 其实不是练出来的. Actually I think it should come naturally with the technical stuff. But apparently, the above will be hard to achieve as somehow most of us don’t have that natural taifeng. So we all have to jiayou!! I think the outcome that day should be that we have our confidence, our dynamics, our techniques, our voices, our taifeng, our smiles, and most importantly, our fun!! We should feel especially shuang after playing this piece. That will meant that we did well and thus we are very satisfied with it, therefore the exhilaration (: we shall make our audience open their mouths and gasp at our pro-ness too!! xD
7. storm warning and dance
- the thing that I think is extra special is that the sec ones are playing!! This will be great exposure for them to performing on stage and probably they will help the co very much to do well for the next syf with their experience. I believe that even if the piece is not exactly very impressive, it will still be to the best and you all sure can make it impressive (: actually I’ve heard it before and it’s quite nice actually!! (:
Overall, I think the biggest and more important things I would like to see would be our taifeng and how much we enjoy playing all our pieces, whether as a section or with the orchestra. (: yaye
yepp that that's exactly what i told her, other than a few grammatical corrections (:
whoo YangQinPerc jiayou for concert pieces!! :D
rachel the random (:
ps: it's my second long post. muahahahaha (:
Siao-ed 11:11 PM
i have a feeling i'm going to take forever to type this post.
YESTERDAY LUNCH.many people were not here! where did you all go? didnt you see yunge's sms? growl. next time must come okay? lunch practices are actually more important than we think they are, because it's a time we get to do stuff we dont usually have time to do during xiaozu practices, because TOH LAO SHI's too busy teaching us technical stuff, though it's not a bad thing.
taifeng is equally important, though. during lunch practices we could do funny african drumming thingies. and no 'not-attending' without valid reason, because chewfei says from now on,
so if you've been 'forewarned' that you cant attend a particular section lunch or lunch prac, sms xin yi to tell her okay!
(xin yi, you need to ask chewfei about details of how to record attendance, i'm not too sure myself)
similarly, WENDY IS IN CHARGE OF TAKING ATTENDANCE FOR DAZUS and i'm in charge of taking attendance for xiaozus.
anyhow, let's continue with yesterday's lunch. yesterday wasnt technically lunch prac because we didnt practice but chewfei was giving a few rather important announcements. okay, actually, only one.
i believe the post about new yqp tee is right below this one, so one day yqp will have to get together to discuss the design, because every single yqp member should be part this!
chewfei came up with a rather interesting concept, whereby there will be square boxes at the back of the shirt, with each box containing a symbol of each and every one of us yqp members! and although is SOUNDS childish and cartoon-ish, i think an adjustment in texture and colouring of the picture will seriously help! so PLEASE DONT DISCRIMINATE THIS IDEA AS A DESIGN YET!
maybe chewfei and i shall tell you all about it when the whole section is present, okay? (:
YESTERDAY XIAOZUalright, i shall first start off with the general statement that YESTERDAY'S XIAOZU WAS UBERLY PRODUCTIVE, SO CHEWFEI IS, obviously, HAPPY! (: and so is everyone else, i believe.
this is an update of what we did.
1. di yi er hu kuang xiang qu.
those playing percussion for di yi er hu practiced with toh lao shi, concentrating on 'counting' and when to come in with playing with the orchestra. a lot of practice on timing and rhythm as well, naturally, also many reminders were given on listening to others as well as listening to the orchestra, looking at mrs ee for the tempo and so on.
i'm not too sure, really ._. but i think everyone was present for di yi er hu's percussion practice session so the rest of us dont really need to know.
2. qin wang dian bing (i shall call it qwdb)
so, for qwdb, we practiced the very very last fang kuai of the piece, which is called 'hua2 cai3 duan4'.
we started off with just an idea of how to play the section, until chewfei suggested that we create a formation, and we did! it has chewfei, xinyi, yunge in the middle and zu gu's and xiao gu's at the sides (joy has joined the xiaogu team because zugu has too many people!)
yeah so, in our formations, chewfei brought up the factor of AESTHETIC APPEAL. so now, we actually have a pattern to which side we lean our bodies towards when we play, and it really looks quite nice from the audience's point of view.
there's the effect of unity as well as contrast (counter: call and answer) in the swaying motion, with one side playing before the other, so it's very interesting, hooray!
then toh lao shi taught us specifically how to play the 'gun he tao stick hit other stick' part, so now we should all be very clear about the technique. (we will teach you some other time, rachel! dont worry)
afterwards we played through the stuff we had just learned and decided upon, and it was all quite successful.
then, of course, chewfei (yet again! our opinion-ful SL) suggested that we add in dynamics, as essential as it is. so now, the progression of dynamics for the sixteen bars (four bar phrases repeated 4 times) is now
p, p, mf, f.the best thing about xiaozu yesterday was, even though we worked so hard, we had fun too! didnt we? (: chewfei successfully called toh lao shi "toh lao shi" 3 times that day! we must strive to call toh lao shi that as well, right in his face okay?
but even more importantly, naturally, is that we must jiayou for qin wang dian bing, because during lunch yesterday, chewfei made another super important announcement!
and because we're all so old, and also because we're considerably talented (cough) in percussion, we STAND A GOOD CHANCE OF WINNING! and as long as we work hard, WE REALLY REALLY DO STAND A GOOD CHANCE OF WINNING!
so must jiayou okay?!?!?!? (: imagine the kind of status yqp will have after we do well in the competition (cough), hahaha! well, this is a good thing to day dream about, thus we have to make it reality!!
hooray end of post, end of very long post.
CUTTLEFISH! i wish i could draw my symbol here, lol.
Siao-ed 9:55 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Hello everyone!
This is about our section tee! Okay. Since our "section colour" is yellow, it's been proposed that we continue using yellow shirts OR yellow print on another colour, e.g. black. Some stuff to consider:
- Cutting/Collar (unisex/ladies' cut, crew neck/polo etc.)
- Colour of shirt
- Colour of print
- Design (should contain the NY logo or "Nanyang Girls' High School" in order to be approved by the school)
We are OPEN FOR SUGGESTIONS! Of course you can always protest against a section tee (though I doubt anyone will), but remember to PROPOSE something when you disagree with anything. We can have section caps, section badges/collar pins, section mugs, section bowls, section MP3 players, whatever. Just make sure your suggestions are
realistic and feasible. We've been thinking about a section jacket but it's way beyond our budget (due to the small quantity) so it's out. Tees are common but are the most practical. Well, you decide.
Post your opinions on the tagboard! Or just email Chew Fei or me. Or just tell the section during practice .__.
Siao-ed 9:45 PM
the whole thing's based on my point of view (:
we agreed to meet up at woodlands mrt station at 3pm .after everyone's here (xinyi, cass, wendy, yunge and i for the moment), cass bought the vanilla milkshake and we went to buy 3 packets of black carrotcake and 3 packets of white carrotcake ;D meanwhile, rachel was at chewfei's house trying to accompany chewfei before the concert and trying to keep chewfei from suspecting anything about the surprise party (: then we headed for chewy's house via bus
911 (o.o) . it was raining at that time ,so it was rather messy (and dangerous for chewy's gigantic card,keke) , but we managed to arrive at chewy's doorstep in the end ;D so we pressed the doorbell, remained very silent, and when the door opened we screamed "SURPRISE !" lol .then we went into the house and settled down in the study room (: then it was chips galore !we ate the junk while joy was happily playing her games on the computer (leaning tower of pigs and the rabbit-who-apparently-is-not-afraid-of-heights game :]) while we talked about the card, about the "SCANDAL" and about random stuffs .joy is especially sensitive to xinyi's "are you happy ?" and the "scandal" was the most interesting topic at that time (: then chewy and xinyi started talking about WILLIAM .and his, er, FASCINATION with "-.-" .then chewy showed us some funny pics of "-.-" and william ;D the whole birthday bash was crazy, random and fun (with a lack of a better word ) .then rachel came back with the CAKEEEEE .the cute bear cake which has loads of cream and has a cute strawberry for a mouth ;D
then we sang the birthday song (when chewfei is surprisingly missing) and then chewy made a wish (" i wish yqp will never be bonded" ;D) and then she CUT THE CAKE !and started feeding everyone with the knife 8D . then after taking PICTURES we left the house for DUNMAN HIGH CONCERT .
alrito, the whole thing's something like that ;D
i could've missed out something though .add on if you spotted that i've missed out something !(:
sorry for the lack of pictures !i currently don't have the pictures with me right now.
joy shall upload the pictures after her blocks !
okay. i shall stop hereee !
goodluck to those still having blocks !
and good luck to those receiving their test papers !(i hate history !)
tata ;D
weishan :D
Siao-ed 8:29 PM
Monday, March 24, 2008
haha! hi everyone! i'm here to post about the dunman high co concert:) and i think wei shan will post about chew fei's birthday party:D
haha. ok. so the concert started with 《旱天雷》and followed by another 大合奏 which is 《秦王破阵乐》. i think these two songs were not very very nice... and according to xinyi and cass, the orchestra were not together... after that was a dizi solo,《水乡船歌》, i think it was good and the soloist was quite pro...right? then was 《三门峡畅想曲》by the erhu emsemble. i went to the toilet when they were playing this, so i didn't get to hear much... but i think the erhu's 音不太准。after the erhu was the cello emsemble representing 《新春乐》, i think this piece was a bit wierd, cos 《新春乐》是一首很中国风的歌曲,但大提琴演奏起来中不中洋不洋的,怪怪的:( then was the percussion piece! since it's wind and percussion ensemble, so it's not entirely percussion. 他们的台风很不错,但是技术上还有待加强(反正比我想象的要差一点啦...)。then was intermission. after that were two guzheng ensemble pieces and one plucking ensemble piece. i have no comments on that, since i cant really remember... then the suona piece... i think they were very pro and i like their 台风:) i think a lot of people dont like to play suona, but i think they were very enthusiatic, i think that's very good:) the concert ended with another two 大合奏. i cant comment on those much cos i fell asleep. but of course i slept only for like 3 minutes... anyways, they were quite nice right? ah well, the concert actually didnt end so fast, there were still encores... i think for the encore part, they just anyhow play... they didn't really care about it...
all in all, they could have worked harder and performed better, and most impirtantly, they should have tuned thier instruments!
p.s. i hope people from dunman high dont see this post... they wont right? and oh! i'm really really excited about our co concert!!!
by yunge-the-heechul-stalker:D
Siao-ed 4:39 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2008
yay it was chewfei's birthday yesterday!! and we celebrated for her. but i dont know the details so i cant post about it. can someone do the posting?? we should really remember this day. yepp. and can shun4 bian4 do review on the dunman concert. (:
rachel (:
Siao-ed 6:30 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
hello yqp!! apparently im at chewfei's house and she asked me to post xD
er. what should i say. im slacking 'cause i gave up on my physics worksheet and fps too.
ok i think she saw it. ahh who cares (:
oh and i heard that not many people from nyco would be going to the dunman concert. how sad. ): ah she went to her room o_o
i feel so tempted to...... no im not supposed to say anything. so in case i do, im going off now,. byeee xD
Siao-ed 2:51 PM
Siao-ed 3:28 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Handsome girl posting here! :D
Please SMS me your replies to the following questions:
1) Do you want a section dinner on Saturday before the Dunman High CO Concert?
2) If so, what time will you like to meet up? The concert starts at 7pm supposedly.
3) Additionally, what will you then like to have for dinner?
4) Suggestions please! (Victoria Concert Hall is near City Hall, massive food cove)5) Any special uniform on that day? Well no restrictions, I was thinking our whole section could dress weirdly for once. (E.g. I want to wear my Sari muahaha)
6) Do you need to pay $12 for the concert ticket? (This is rhetoric... so...)
Alright, I hope to receive your SMS-es as soon as possible yeah! (:
Siao-ed 10:08 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Whoa! Nobody actually asked me for GRACES photos. You guys are so un-kaypoh, it's atypical and shocking. Never mind I shall take the initiative to show you some interesting shots :D
Jamma engages in some... strange act with Sherlene. Where's Joy? O_O

In our rooms. My room actually. HAHAHAHAHA.

Your very beautiful seniors. Beautiful at heart. WHY KILL PEE~
- - -
Figure this out!
1. (Q_Q)
2. b(._.)d
Should be quote obvious. Hehe. :D
Siao-ed 1:49 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2008
I'm back (early) from OBS due to a sad back injury! ): And right now all of you should be in school happily camping. Gah I shall post this anyways.
Well on Monday we were kayaking, and during the capsize rescue I hurt my back ._. (yes, smart me) so in the end they sent me to a polyclinic on Wednesday. And you know how long you have to wait at polyclinics (about 80-90 minutes).
So I was bored, watching TV. Channel 8 was playing some commercials. Then I saw this ad for this variety show, suspiciously involving school uniforms.
And guess who I saw!
JIANI, our very own Sec 1 junior! :D Haha! On TV! But it was filmed last year since she's in her primary school uniform. It's a show about 成语s, on Sundays at 10am if I'm not wrong. So if you want to catch your own fellow YQP member in action
(and feel ashamed of your hideous vocabulary) be sure to catch it (:
I just finished making shoe rack labels for all the sections in the CO! And they look good. I feel accomplished, hoho.
Siao-ed 7:52 PM
Sunday, March 02, 2008
hello everyone! joy is here to post about fridayyy. on dazu & the SCO concert!
ok cca during friday involved huibao and taiyang practice. i don't think i should be commenting on the other huibao people, so i shall just say a few words on weishan and my xi3 xun4! hmm, it was generally well done, although the best part was only the first half of the song, because according to Mrs Ee, we had good dynamics at the beginning, but towards the end the they were displayed less frequently. i remember Qulaoshi also being very particular about our dynamics, so i guess that's one of the areas we can improve on. um, in the middle of the song, we sort of started playing different things, but i think weishan bounced back rather well. from where i sat, i thought it was handled well, because we didn't really start panicking and all. according to sylvia, we made it look like "it was supposed to be like that"! so woozah for us (: and at the final part, i think it shows that we still lack practice on the song, because of the atrocious number of wrong notes we played, during the.. you know, the part with huge intervals. but anyways, Mrs Ee had some nice comments for us, and some constructive ones too, so i guess this huibao did meet its objectives.
after huibao was taiyang! whee. i haven't played my diluo for a long time so i was quite excited. (but i still went home with a bad muscle ache-.-) hmm, i don't know what you guys think, but i know rachel and i think that taiyang was rather good, except like Mrs Ee pointed out, a number of parts were a little too loud. but anyways, since we have been practicing sha di er all this while, our daji performance in dazu was still within acceptable range! so yay everyone.
moving on! after dazu, we had canadian pizza! yummy stuff. after that, we sort of made a mad dash for SCH. 99.999% of our journey consisted of mad sprinting and people going "AHHHH THAT WAS MY LAST PUSH" "AHHHH STILL RUNNING?!" "AHHH DON'T RUN!" "AHHHH MORE STEPS!!".. ok fine maybe a lot of those came from me, but ehehehee. hmm, so we took MRT to raffles then transferred to red line. seriously, there was someone beside jaime that looked like Mas Selamat on the train. i kept looking at him then i turned to jaime and i was like " *pokepoke* have you seen the picture of the terrorist!" then she was like yeah, then i said "the person next to you looks like him leh!" then she turned and saw him and went "ehehehehe". seriously he looked like him! ok he's more goodlooking than him lah, but.. i think they resemble each other 85%. and he was holding this black bag and had the e_e look on his face, but he wasn't limping. awwww. such a pity i didn't get the chance to display my awesome kungfu moves.
when we got down the train, more mad running! ran all the way from the mrt station to the pavements then across the road and into the air conditioned SCH ahhh (: ok whee! lets talk about the SCO concerrrrrt.
generally, the concert was good! although both our instructors didn't play hugeeee parts or solos. but of course, our Qulaoshi was as professional as ever with her super精彩 and va-va-voom taifeng, and her hair flying everywhere. and our Tohlaoshi also displayed his proficient skills of playing the cha3s. and a small part on mallets as well! anyways, i thought the first item was nice. the song was nice, and i know xy's gonna say something about the diluo, because she's been saying that throughout the whole of the first song. pkshkhskdjksk ._. there were a few songs which were sleep inducing, cause the percussions didn't play a lot. aww. but i think one of the songs a lot of people stayed very awake for was the one with the skilled erhu player (bahaha, erhu instructor), and the reason why we simply can't take our eyes off her (or rather, a PART of her)(please twist back your twisted little minds and stop thinking sick) shall be kept confidential. but i know xy was laughing extremely hard throughout the song, and i can understand why she did that because i've been doing the same thing. it was just so.... lovely. she's just so good! the way she played the erhu at high speed and all the shaking and.. oops, i've said too much. that was just a little sneakpeek for y'all. but i think a lot of people saw it lah. it's definitely.. distracting enough. ok jokes aside, she IS a good erhu player, and i think she deserves credit for that, yea.(: so i think hmm we shouldn't have laughed that much during her performance, because we were not actually appreciating the music, but instead, we could've caused much disturbance to the audience who were paying attention around us. ok then after that there were like choirs singing along and a some chinese opera solo or something.
anyways, at the end of the concert, we wanted to give the googly-eyed oranges and apples to our instructors! but we only found Mr ET, who reluctantly accepted our fruits and stuffed them into his ginormous hiking bag. and to our astonishment, Qulaoshi actually made a quick escape from the SCH, so we didn't catch her. so i ate the fruits that were meant for her in the end. heeee.
in a nutshell, the concert was a blast, and friday was fun-filled indeed. rah, this post isn't as good as rachel's! and i apologise for that hahaha. ok now, ciao.
joy the poo!
Siao-ed 12:12 PM
Saturday, March 01, 2008
Sec 1 Orientation 2008The annual Sec 1 Orientation is to welcome the new members, to give a good start to their journey ahead and to help them integrate into their sections and the orchestra. It's also the Sec 2s' first attempt at directly contributing to the CO, by organising games for their juniors and seniors. This year's was fairly successful, despite the wet weather. Congratulations and thank you to the Sec 2s, who have put in much effort into this.
I'm sure we all know who went and who didn't. Just a reminder, those with valid reasons must produce a photocopy of your MC/appointment card or a parent's letter at the next practice, which is 11 March, Tuesday. You are expected to visit the doctor if you have reported to be sick. Please do not self-diagnose or self-medicate unless you are a grand master sinseh.
We deeply apologise for the short notice to this event. I hope that this is the main reason that those who weren't sick didn't turn up. I believe our section doesn't have anyone who skips events just because they "don't feel like it".
Our section had the least percentage of people who turned up, by the way. 5 out of the 13 of us came for the orientation. In total 10+ people from the CO did not attend the event. This is obviously quite a disappointing number. Let's hope this never happens again, YQP. If we are the most enthusiastic and bonded section, we should be excited about any CCA-related event, be it organised by us or the CO.
Well have a good camping week ahead, see you during the March holidays!
Siao-ed 4:25 PM